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Quoted in "Above the Law"


Shari E. Belitz, Esq was quoted in Above the Law in a column about demystifying the concept of “practicing at the top of your license.”

“My interpretation of ‘practice at the top of your license’ means to do the work that can be done exclusively by you, whether it be trying a case, working with a client, or allocating your time to innovation,” said Shari E. Belitz, CEO of Shari Belitz Communications, an educational consulting company that teaches lawyers, insurance industry professionals, and companies how to use social psychology to achieve favorable litigation outcomes at settlement or trial. She continued, “However, there are (at least) two prerequisites to being able to ‘practice at the top of your license’: 1) developing/teaching/mentoring so you have strong bench strength, and 2) having learned the operations/process beginning to end before you are able to focus on the high level.”
Olivia Vizachero, owner of The Less Stressed Lawyer, supports this view. She said, “I’m adopting Shari Belitz’s answer as my own. I think she hit the nail on the head here.”

For the full article published on Above the Law, click here.

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